Current Protective Measures
You will be looked after safely and reliably by us at all times. Please consider the following protective measures recommended by the Swiss Dental Association SSO.
The Federal Council has abolished the special situation as of April 1, 2022. The obligation to wear masks in our practice has been lifted. (The practice team will continue to wear masks to protect you and the team).
Please visit us at the exact time indicated for your appointment. This will help you avoid contact with other patients.
Unless you are in need of an escort due to your medical condition or being a minor, we must ask you to come to the office alone.
If you need to take medication regularly and/or have pre-existing conditions such as diabetes mellitus type I or II, cardiovascular disease, or other conditions that suppress the body's defenses, we politely ask that you contact us by phone 24 hours prior to your appointment
If you have flu-like symptoms accompanied by fever, aching limbs, cough, loss of taste and/or smell, diarrhea or similar, we kindly ask you to contact us by phone 24 hours before your appointment.